Aug 17, 2020

It's me agin, Margret.

I brought yew a live chickin & some peach preserves!  (I always loved Ray Stevens.) 

So alas, I do not have a live chicken, but I do have chicken fever.  Again.  And again waaaay too soon for me to do anything about it but study.  And I can see how chickens are a "gateway animal".  Because now I want a milk goat, some ducks, maybe some turkeys for the freezer...this could get bad.

The good news is that the builder is to the framing point, finally, so we might even have roof decking up there in a week or so! 

I still need to take the pictures from camera to file, but I'll have them soon.  Yesterday (Sunday) we went out there, took our lawn chairs and a towel for Gypsy to lay on, and just...sat.  Enjoyed the shade, the peace and quiet, and the excitement of seeing progress. 

The floor is up, and most of the wall framing (no wall board yet), and it's shocking how high the south end is!  We didn't realize, until they put up the stem walls, how much the lot sloped.  It's very flat, but not nearly as level as we'd thought.  That's actually okay with me--when I designed the house/plans, I understood it might look like a long skinny mobile home with porches.  Because we didn't want a bunch of cute little nooks and angles and fancy roof lines.  We wanted something we could afford to build.  But no WAY is this going to look like a mobile home.

So that's my news--we're making progress.  And the funny thing is, now it's harder to wait and be patient than it was when we just had footers and stem walls.  It's time to get busy clarifying and condensing all my lists.  The electrician and plumber will both need to go over everything with us once the framing is done, to nail down exact positions of outlets, switches, lights, sink plumbing, etc.  It feels good to have something to DO. 

In the meantime, I have chicken fever, so the graph paper is out, along with lots of eraser dust, while I design chicken coops for WAY more chickens than we need.
Have a lovely week!  (The last photo is of the south end.  With those deep floor joists and decking up there, it's now exactly even with the top of my head.)

1 comment:

  1. This is exciting... and I didn't realize that you were doing much of the design/layout work! And those tall pines; well they're perfect. I can hear the wind (come fall) rustling through the high branches.
    Warm Wishes, Daryle


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