Oct 9, 2017

Back from the Doll Show, and a bit of silliness.

We had a lot of fun--or at least I did--dressing up.  The crowd was kind of sparser than we have been used to, but we did okay.  I got to visit with Connie Tognoli again this year, and buy one of her small pieces (a little bunny and an ornament). 

I think my shifting focus will see me aiming for folk art festivals in the future, rather than doll shows.  So it is with mixed feelings that I bid the doll shows Farewell, and the folk art fairs Hello. 

In the meantime, now that I'm back from the show, I have ornament commissions to finish for a lady in New York, a Zodiac Baby to work on, and an Izannah commission to start. I'm glad there is little work to be done in the garden at this time of year!

My VPH: very patient husband.



  1. What fun Jan. I love the photo of the husband. He is so good to go and support you. I went to your Etsy shop and looked at all the lovely things you have made. Love that Belsnickle.

  2. I sure enjoyed seeing the pictures of your show and you and Phil too. My husband enjoyed the one show I went too. He has turned into a good doll seller too. Better than me. I didn't know they had folk art festivals, I guess that would be like the craft shows here, which I think they have only one near christmas each year. All your dolls were so pretty. Look forward to seeing the new things you are making. a festival like you are talking about would open up to more things to make than just dolls.I do wish we lived closer to places that had activities I like going on.

  3. I think switching to folk art fairs is wise. Next week we will be attending one of the largest fairs in Arkansas. :~) I also have a very patient husband...lucky us!

  4. Love the way you dressed up for the show! Looking good lady!

  5. I understand the change from doll shows to folk art shows. It makes perfect sense. I like dolls on both ends of the spectrum, but one-of-a-kind pieces are the real treasures. I know you will do well with this. Happy to hear that you are making another Izannah doll. Looking forward to seeing it. :o)

  6. A little bit of "silliness" allows for some fun! You look great in that hat. I think Folk Art Festivals would be a wonderful venue to showcase your dolls. Can't wait to see the finished commissions.

  7. Silliness suits you...wear it well! (that's a compliment... really, it is!) I'm fascinated by your refocus from doll shows to folk art festivals... Folk art is where I began my journey and shows were always outstanding. Dolls... not so much!


Thank you very much for stopping by.