Oct 4, 2016

Back from the doll show...

I've unpacked and repacked all the boxes, sent my thank-you notes, and have started on further projects. As I have a cardiac ablation procedure next Monday, I'm trying to get as much done as I can so I can afford to sit around and be useless for a while.  Well...maybe a little handwork.

The doll show went really well.  I made several times my expenses, which is kinda how I have to figure it.  I met a fellow doll artist, Connie Tognoli, and got to see her small work in person.  She was traveling from California, so small was what she had to bring!

I also managed to clear out a collection of 1950's dolls...it was weird having dolls on my show tables that I didn't make, but it seemed like the best solution.  Almost all of them found homes, and now I have more space.  All that to explain the show photos below and why there are commercial dolls in them!

Aside from two new commissions and selling a surprising number of dolls, I got to meet a lady who has an antique shop in Chandler, AZ.  She wants to carry my dolls in her store, either by consignment or wholesale.  We plan to meet later this month and work it all out.  Her shop is really special, and I can't wait to go down and see it.  Of course, I will take a tiny bit of money and LEAVE the rest of it here.

I'm sort of piled up with commissions until Christmas, so between that and getting presents out for all the grandkids, I will be busy!

Here is one large Izannah I finished recently--she's 21" or so.  


  1. Wow, you had quite the doll collection. You are such a busy girl with all these shows and commissions. Your Izannah Walker style doll is beautiful, love that hat. How nice to meet someone that has an antique shop and is willing to consign your dolls. Your dolls should do well.

    I'm so sorry to hear that you have to have a cardiac procedure. I'm sure all will go well. Please take care and don't over do it while you're recovering.

    1. That's why I had to clear out some of the collection--I have too many dolls, and they're taking over the house. I decided to keep older ones, and rehome the more modern ones. And as for over-doing it, not a chance. My watch dog husband barely lets me move as it is.

  2. What a great display of your dolls. Dolls can take over your house, so sometimes you have to sell some. All your dolls were so pretty. I love the ones you make the best and the Izannah's were so beautiful.I Hope your cardiac procedure will not be to hard on you, but thankfully we can fix problems now that years ago we couldn't. I will be thinking of you and wishing the best for you. Having someone to help sell your dolls will be a great advantage. I appreciate your sharing pictures and telling about your doll show. I know you enjoyed it and met lots of great people and congratulations on your new commissions. Every one will appreciate the things you make for them.

  3. I love love the new "old" Izzie doll! You have dressed her well! Your displays are wonderful, but look like so much work. You are brave to take on so many commissions, but I know you will do well with them. Hopefully, all will go well with the cardiac procedure. With all you have done lately, a nice long rest is long overdue! Take care!

  4. I enjoyed looking at the variety of dollies, each one so creatively different. Love the pumpkin head doll, Santa and teeny Izzy. Glad the show was a success. Beautiful collection of 50's dolls, I'm sure they found wonderful homes. I looked up cardiac ablation. Sounds like something you definitely need to get done. I will think of you on Monday and wish you a speedy recovery!

  5. I love your doll display! I had one of those 1950s dolls when I was a little girl, blonde bottom left of the photo. I would love to go to a doll show like this!
    I hope your cardiac procedure goes well and you get plenty of rest after.

  6. Congrats on that doll show... sounds like it was well worth the effort! I do miss our show days from back in Vermont; as we loved the one-on-one with customers as well as being with those of like-mind. Glad too, along with the other posts here, that you are taking care of yourself. Please know that you're covered by prayer in both the procedure and your recovery!

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