Apr 19, 2016

It's been HOW long???

I have neglected the blog.  I would apologize, but that would solve nothing.  So without further adieu, some photos of the doll show.  The site was terrific--the Four Points Sheraton--and the hubs and I treated it like a mini-vacation, staying overnight.  We felt positively wicked leaving the pets with the in-laws and running off kidless. 

My set up still needs tweaking, which it likely will need until I'm dead in the ground.  A forever work in progress, I guess, because even after four years of doll shows, I still can't leave well enough alone. 

The show itself was not as well-attended as I might have wished, but all in all, it was a good time and I felt the time was well spent.  I met some great new people, and had a good visit with like-minded people.  (And the husband watched lots of golf on the lobby TV.  :~) )