Jan 1, 2015

New Year, New Blog Site!

The hubs wanted me to research WordPress blogs for him.  No, he doesn't arbitrarily assign me things.  In this case, he was musing over the applications of a blog for Real Estate uses, and I volunteered, since I have already spent so many months of hours working through online site learning curves.

To that end, I figured since I've been wondering about a Wordpress blog in lieu of the website I worked up last year, I might as well use my site as a guinea pig and search it all out.  Then when it comes time to start his up, I can do so without maybe spending quite so much time on it.  Wordpress is notoriously more labor intensive, but I think in the long run it'll be worth it.  Besides, HTML skills are something I've always wanted to grow.  (Baby steps, right?)

SO.  I finally spent a day searching it all out, setting up the blog, and transferring alllll the posts from this blogger blog to that WP blog.  I still have tons of work to get it all lined out, and work to make it look pretty, to make the pages sensible, etc., but it's there, and it's functioning. 

Since I don't need two blogs--heck, I even gave up my MAIDA membership--I will close this blog and start posting over there.  The address is http://jdconwell.com and (I think) there's a follow button somewhere. My poor gray matter resembles rather lumpy oatmeal after a day of online research.  At any rate, this is NOT goodby, just a Virtual Change of Address.  I will be adding y'all's addresses to my Reading list there so I can keep up with my friends' posts, even if I have to do it through email notifications.

With our upcoming move, things are upside down and backward here, but I have a great feeling about this year...big changes in store not only for where we live, but also for Phil's job.  I always heard, "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." but around here, it's only fair to keep Daddy happy too.  He needs to get this realty show on the road full time, and I'm happy to help him do it.

Hope you all have a fabulous week, and a wonderfully creative 2015!


  1. I went over to your new site. I enjoyed the article and hope to continue seeing the things you are making and the progress on your move and your new house. thanks to the internet we can communicate and share wherever we go. that is a wonderful thing.

  2. I'll change your address in my links list. Good luck on your new blog site.


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