Feb 13, 2014

Doll Show "post mortem"...

Sorry I'm late with my recap of the show.  I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I forgot my camera.  And no, I didn't even think to use my phone camera--I don't know how to get pictures out of it.  So, yes, I'm wearing my dunce cap.  It's really tall, too...makes me duck through doors.

But the show promoter/manager, Dorothy (who is fabulous and runs an incredible doll show twice a year) has a very helpful hubby, who, while not a professional photographer, generously comes around getting pictures.  I am grateful to him, because now I do have evidence I was there! 

The show set up was very different this time...I have made these giant backdrops out of foam core board.  With cloth and glue hinges, I connected two big pieces for the corners, and then one large piece for the center.  Since they're separate, I can change the set up depending on the table arrangements we're given to work with at each show.  Dorothy is a great show manager, but even she can't change the building structure! Like that great stone column behind my booth.  It gave the backdrop something solid behind it, and box-hiding space as well.

Also, I got rid of the layers (and layers) of crocheted table clothes and doilies...I loved them, but did not love the two hours it took before I could even begin setting out dolls!  So I dyed an old chenille bedspread, and voila!  Several ladies said they liked the more cohesive, less "busy" effect of it...but I do miss all that lovely antique crochet.

I have several Izannahs available, and will notify those on my mailing list of them once I get some good "dressed" photos of the dolls.  They showed well in this set up...taking center stage, and looking very old, if I do say so.  The show itself went well: I came home with three empty boxes.  Using a credit card this time made a big difference, and it just couldn't have been easier!

Doll shows are also buying trips for me--I scout out good doll wigs, old lace (thank you Judy!) and antique petticoats, etc. for future work.  This show was successful on that count, too.  I was very good and did NOT buy any dolls for myself, as I have sworn to bring home no more til I dress the poor naked ones already here.

It always take me a while to get everything sorted through when I get home, and until I do, there are big boxes all over the living room...sort of the reverse of the Giant Set Up Rehearsal.  I have the most wonderful and understanding husband in the world.  

I think I'll keep him.


  1. A lovely setup and, of course, lovely, lovely dolls. The "old" Izzies tug at my heart strings! Congratulations on a great showing!

    1. Thank you, Mary. I've grown fond of them after so long sewing for them--you know how it goes. One of them will be the "Helper Doll" at this year's UFDC convention.

  2. What a great show!!! you curbed your buying, I like that...til you dress and sale!!!

  3. Nice, amazing dolls and all around !

  4. Wonderful display. You really made it look good with the back drop and your name in the middle. the dolls look beautiful. the Izannahs do look old and their clothes very old looking too. I imagine people being able to use their credit cards was a super big help. Not every one has a lot of cash on hand. So glad you had a good show. I sure would have loved to see everything. Thanks for the pictures. Maybe later you could ( as you said ) show up close more of the dolls you had left from the show. I would love to see them.

  5. You have certainly put a lot of thought into your display, it looks great. Lots of dollies and a variety too. You have been a busy lady. I agree with Martha we'd enjoy seeing close up photos!! Love those sneakers!!!

    1. Sherri, I have a weakness for Converse tennies. I'm too old for them, but I have ten or eleven pairs in all different colors. :~)


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