Dec 29, 2013

Our South Texas Christmas

No kids visiting this year, so it was Phil and I and the dog-cat show.  We got a late start--for us.  I didn't roll out til almost 6:30!  I have a tradition of wearing my Santa Hat every year on Christmas morning, primarily to hide the bed-head.  Phil was up earlier, and had the music playing, the twinkle lights on in the living room, and some extra stuff under the tree--completely unauthorized, I can tell you.  We'd already agreed not to buy much this year.

An ornament with Juniper's handprint!
Every guy needs a weather station clock...

One of my sons and his wife sent presents as well (also unauthorized) to include Schultz and Willie.  The fur-babies were quite happy with this renegade gift-giving.

If you could see how fast his tail is wagging...
She's on a vet-assigned diet, was Christmas, after all.
Phil and I had a gloriously lazy day, very quiet, full of reading, good music, and a late afternoon dinner of smoked turkey.  And naps. 

Schultz and Willie are always willing to hang out at nap-time.

Several of my friends in the doll world live up north where they're getting bad ice and snow, losing power, buried til the weather lets up.  To stave off guilt over our balmy temperatures, I have to remember our brutal summers.  Here's a rose I cut on Christmas Day from the front bed--they don't do nearly this well in the summer.  That hand-shaped pencil vase is actually life-size, to give you an idea of that rose's dimensions.  I really wish you could smell it...a fragrance so strong you get a little dizzy from it.

I hope your Christmas was full of warmth and good memories.    


  1. Sounds like a darn good Christmas to and roses! Looks like the furry ones are right in the thick of, fun!

  2. You had a good day. It is the sort of day you enjoy the most. the pets enjoyed it to, as I am sure they love all their time with you and your husband. I worked on dolls all day, after I made a pan of dressing to take to my mother for her husband's children who all come in bunches on Christmas day. I enjoyed my day too. Quiet. We had baked apples and some of my 40 lbs of sweet potatoes I bought and dressing. It was a good day here too.

  3. what a nice nice, lazy day! Happy New Year, I hope you have the very best.
    I'm in the midst of taking Christmas down, but I do want to put the tree in the front yard. It's suppose to snow and I would love to have pictures of the tree with snow on it.
    another lazy day, xoxoxox


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