Jun 27, 2013

Let me just say...

Thank you.  I check my Blog Roll daily.  There are some blogs to which I add a comment on every post, and some that I read to see what's up, like a forum, only commenting when moved to do so.  I'm sure most blog readers do this...to comment on every single one would eat huge amounts of time.  And with the "wunderblogs" that see a gazillion comments a day, ya hafta wonder if they even notice anything but the tally numbers after a while, in any case.  More power to 'em, I say!  Nevertheless, on those, I prefer to take note of anything I'd like to remember,
and then be on my way.

Given that this is essentially the option for every one who stops by here, I feel compelled to say this:
I genuinely appreciate you who DO comment, even if it's just a "Hi!" to let me know you're there.

Sometimes blogging feels like speaking in an empty room...(hello?)  You know what I mean.

While my self-esteem isn't solid granite, I'd like to think its health doesn't hinge on the number of responses to a post.  But I can't deny it makes me happy to see familiar faces (avatars?), dropping in to say
Good Luck, or
Oh My, or

                                 So, thanks.  I appreciate you.  


  1. What a lovely Thank-you card...I am not a big commenter..I must admit .With limited time to spend looking at all the wonderful things in blogland...But I do like to leave encouragement when something is very inspiring to me...I enjoy your work so very much

  2. Hi Jan, I am like you. Looking at everything, but you cannot leave notes everywhere, even if you want to, but I do read a lot of blogs and try to comment, especially if something is so wonderful I cannot pass it by. You have a great blog that I enjoy a lot.

  3. I read all your posts even though I'm not sure if I've ever left a comment. I haven't made dolls for a couple of years (and don't think I ever blogged about them) but really enjoy making them. I get to experience the creativity vicariously when I see your posts.

  4. Hi Jan
    I agree with all of the above. Living in South Africa I like to see what is going on in the rest of doll world. There's very little here so thanks and keep posting!

  5. Well said Jan........and it can be a bit like speaking to an empty room - so well put! Needless to say, your post caught my eye when I was checking my roll.....so I'm commenting and saying "Hi" *waves frantically from across the Pacific*


Thank you very much for stopping by.